After months without rainfall, North Texas caught up in a hurry. Over 4 inches at our place in a day. News reported over 9 inches elsewhere in the DFW area. Now the record books won’t reflect our struggles because they gets us back to near average, but who needs glory of hard times when you’d just rather have the rain?

For us, there is much rejoicing. Scarcely a week ago we were hauling hay bales out to pastures to feed cattle. It’s time consuming, expensive, and not the best for putting beef on frames. There’s no substitute for fresh grass, everyday, all day. There may be a good second cutting on the market this year to get everyone squared away for winter.

Moving hay is a two man job everytime. Someone drives and someone manages the gates and trailer stowaways.

The rain came in with effective volume and deep soaking. There are still huge amounts of dew each morning from the ground humidity coming up. This native grass is resilient in drought and bounced back very quickly. We’re haven’t planted anything on it and will continue to cultivate what grows on the range here.

A new experience for us is significant erosion from the rainfall. It smoothed out a lot of peaks and valleys from tire tracks over the years. It also carved large swales and valleys of it’s own in the low spots.

We also made our first beef drop this Monday. Very happy with the quality and cleanliness of the butcher shop. I am certain we brought more flies in on our cattle then they had in the entire shop. Very much looking forward to collecting all the beef and delivering for our shareholders in a few weeks.

We would be interested in buying a share in the future, if you have a spot open. Probably not for a spell yet, but good to know you are doing it. Trying to warm Jim up to the idea of raising meat rabbits and possibly a couple of lambs, but not sure if our quarter acre plus some greenway grazing could sustain them.