What is good? Beef is good.
What is better? Managed Intensive Grazing Grass Only Beef.
What is best? MIGGOB born and raised on the Raising Wood homestead. From artificial insemination to birth to weaning to weaning again because he reactivated his momma(!) to the steering committee meeting to feeding out through two winters, Yum was the first beef fully ‘ours’. We think he’s quite simply the best.
First time customer chimes in:

We usually require a deposit on a share before taking a head of beef to the butcher. I failed to do that this time, and a customer backed out the day after we started the processing. Fortunately we had other customers looking for a share and everyone ended up happy.

A typical question is ‘how much beef is a share of beef?’ Yum was our largest head to date. A quarter of his beef was 97lb. 97lb of beef fills up two 50qt coolers in delivery, or about half of a 7 cubic foot freezer.

We enjoy running delivery to our customers. It helps ensure a chain of custody with temp control. It helps move the beef out into its freezers more readily, and delivered beef makes happy customers. It is good to know your farmer, separate from the commercial chain of sales and distant don’t-think-to-hard trust requirements.